Friday, 1 March 2013

Thursday 28 February

Came first with Gerry playing a static N/S in a Howell with a score of 58%.

 I am good at totally misreading opponent's hand, in fact I am probably a world expert.  Here is an example.
Against Mike and Jim I opened 1N, round to Jim who bid 2H (hearts and a minor).  Mike raised to 3H passed out. I felt end played on lead and thought about leading AS as I will probably have to open up the suit later.  However I finally decided on a diamond and led 8D. Great start, AKQ diamonds throwing two spades.  Now Jim played 7H which ran to my Q.  I cashed AS and played another which Jim ruffed and he played 10H. I have Ax of trumps and black cards, if I play low and then win the Ace I have to lead away from KC giving Jim all the club tricks or lead a spade allowing a club discard from dummy and then a ruffing finesse of my KC.  So, naturally misreading the situation, I rose with AH so that I could exit with the 2H and crashed partner's King.  Contract made.  Of course if I had led that AS it could have been two down.

 Gerry got us a top on this board when he opened 1H (we have different methods, I always open 1D and yes, I might have to rebid 2D).  Anyway 1H - 1N - 2D - 3H - pass
My 3H is a bit pushy with no values in partner's suit and a flat hand, but you can miss games otherwise (note that 3N makes).
Flora led a trump and Issy put in the Q so at least there were no problems there. Gerry led a small diamond and Flora took her Q, she now played a small club and Gerry considered this for a while and then played the Jack.  AK of clubs throwing two two spades, A and another diamond won by Flora who now plays spade to Issy's Ace and Gerry has 10 tricks.
A simple 1D - 1H - 4H and Paul led KS taken by Ace.  KH won by Ian's Ace and a heart exit, Gerry drew a third and led up QD which he ran to the King and Ian exited with a spade won by Paul.  Paul now played a small diamond which Gerry carefully considered but why did Ian not immediately return a spade when in with AH?  He can't be doubleton.  You don't need that diamond finesse id spades are 3-3.  Gerry rose with AD, cashed JS, diamond ruff and a fourth spade to throw QC for 10 tricks.
An initial club lead will always beat the contract unless someone sneaks a peak at East's hand.  Once a club is not led the contract is assured because by the time Paul gets in with the spade, if he switches to a club then declarer just rises with the Ace and has two excellent chances, he can try JS for a spade split and if that fails finesse 10D.

 AN interesting hand against David and Kate.  Gerry opened 1C and Kate bid 3S. I am confident of a slam so I am not doubling and giving partner the option of leaving it in.  I can't bid 4H as that must mostly be to play, so I bid 4S. Gerry used RKC and bid 6C.
I am just guessing now, but am worried that 6C won't score well if some pairs find 6H, so I just bid 7C which I'm sure will have good chances.
As it is there are 15 tricks.  Unlucky Paul and Ian who found the superior 7H, but by N and without a Lightener double their opponents found the diamond lead.
Back to my misreading of hands.  This was a world class example against Alistair and Alex.
Gerry opened 1C and Alistair doubled.  I bid 1S, Gerry raised to 2S and Alistair bid 3H.  I doubled and although I am keen to defend, this just shows 'values' and Gerry with singleton heart decided on 4S.
Alex led JH and I, in my wisdom, start trying to work out Alistair's hand.  The 3H bid implies six, but the double suggests four spades as well. Even so I would bid 1H not double.  Is it 4-5 in the majors? Many would still bid 1H, but I convinced myself Alistair has four spades.  I won AH, ruffed a heart, AC, club ruff felling the King and led another heart.  Alex produced the 10S, so it is six hearts, I now have Alistair 4-6-1-2.  Anyway I over-ruffed with KS and I should have played QC now but I ran 6S from dummy.  Alex won the Q, o me miserum.  What an easy 4S, just set up clubs, A and K of trumps and play clubs and Alistair can ruff when he wants. Alex returns a diamond won by Alistair's K, he cashes KH, another heart that I ruff, AS, over to AD and QC, Alistair ruffs with the master J and I throw my last diamond for one off. At the end keeping AS wouldn't have helped, going over to AD to lead QC and over-ruff Alistair would have left me with a diamond loser.

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