Phyllis obviously led a club and Gerry cashed AK and ruffed a club while Phyllis discarded a heart. Now Gerry ducked a diamond to Phyllis's Queen and she returned a heart. Gerry won AH, finessed a diamond, played AD which was ruffed. Phyllis now plays a spade and Irene cashes AK and exits with a club. Gerry ruffs, draws last trump and diamonds are good for 9 tricks.
I'm afraid I stole a big score here against Ian Swan and Robert Aitken. After opening 1C, Robert overcalled 1S. Gerry bid 2S which is that sort of hand (game going, won't have 4 hearts, won't have 5 diamonds) and looking for something in spades. I thought I had 17 points, but even with 16, if Gerry has enough for game I reckoned he was odds on to have Kx or maybe Ace bare in spades. I couldn't see a sensible bid so, of course, made the stupid bid of 3NT!
Well if you think Declarer has Qxx in spades would you lead a spade from the East hand? Robert didn't, he lead a diamond. I had 4 Diamonds, 4 Hearts and 4 Clubs off the top. Sorry about that.
With West's fine 15 count and his partner having an Ace, you don't expect to be defending against a slam.
Gerry opened 1C and Willie doubled. I bid 1H and David passed. Gerry thought about this, the obvious rebid is 3C but the power of major says always bid them so he bid 1S. Willie passed and I liked my hand now and bid 3S. Back to Gerry who liked his hand even more and bid 5S (have you got two top honours partner?). Well I had KQ of trumps so bid 6S.
Willie led KD, Gerry won in hand and led a spade to Q, ruffed a heart, led a spade to K and claimed by running clubs, just losing AS. Not just the power of majors, the power of four to the 9!
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