This is a good example of me going wrong. After three passes I opened 1D, Adrianne 1S, I rebid 1N and Adrianne raised to 3N.
Alistair led 8C and Dave played the 9 while I won the King.
I have 8 tricks and a heart finesse gives me 9. However if I can duck a diamond I give myself the combined chance of a 3-3 diamond fit and if that fails I can take the heart finesse. This is a 70% chance rather than just 50%. So what is that 8C lead? I soon dispelled the idea of 4th best because with say AQT8 say, Dave would have played the Jack. So, is it a doubleton or MUD? After some thought I decided on MUD and ducked a diamond. Down 1 in a stiff contract.
On this hand I needed two defensive errors to help me home after one error was letting me make it but I contrived to throw the chance away. It's complicated.
I'm in 5D and South leads away from their AH, so I win with my singleton King. Now all I have to do is cross to Dummy twice with black Aces to lead diamonds and I lose two diamonds for 11 tricks. Why make life easy for yourself? I looked at all the distribution and decided I should ruff a club as they might well be 5-2. So at trick two I crossed to AC, ruffed a heart and ruffed a club. I now led a diamond to my King, South playing the 8. Now if diamonds are 3-2 it doesn't matter what I do next, just two diamonds to lose. However, I realise it is probably the diamonds that break badly, too late. I exit with a small diamond to the 10 and the 4-1 break means two more diamonds to lose --- unless. North exits with a heart and I ruff. As I am down to two diamonds the same as North I realise that a trump coup is possible. As long as the lead is from Dummy at trick 12 I only lose 1 diamond. Now I need an exact layout of cards. I cashed two top clubs, finessed QS and bingo! Dummy on lead with AS and two other cards, North with a heart and AJ trumps, I have KC and Q9 trumps. I lead AS and North is snookered. Throw the heart and I lead from dummy at trick 12. Ruff AS with J and I over-ruff and play KC, either way 11 tricks made.
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