Playing N/S with Gerry for St Mungo in the Jackie Josephson knockout teams, our team lost but we had a good score mainly helped by two second half slams.
As you can see three tables bid a slam. Our team mates Les and Shirish were very unlucky with the break in 6D. Bob & Nat for GUU bid the only making slam, 6S. Double Dummy even on a club lead (AK of hearts, ruff a heart, three rounds of spades and you have 12 tricks). We were in 6H after 1H - 1S - 2H - 4C - 4D - 5H - 6H.
Now QC lead will put paid to this, however Cathy led her singleton diamond. Gerry won in Dummy and finessed JH. QC came back, won in Dummy and now he finessed 9H, drew the last trump and used spade entries to set up diamonds for 12 (though spades were 3-3 anyway).
Ian as East opened 1H and Gerry with his whopper of a hand doubled. Cathy passed and I bid 2D. Gerry gave this some thought and reckoned I can't have too many hearts, I have bypassed spades and clubs, I must have five diamonds. The Queen won't even matter, so if Ian the opener has AH and KS, even if I have nothing I can make 12 tricks.
So he bid 6D!
Now as we can see AH lead defeats this but Ian with his two Aces thought long and hard but discounted AH first of all as Gerry might be void there and I could have some good hearts. In fact he decided against either Ace and led a trump.
No problem for me, won in Dummy, second diamond to hand and took spade finesse right away. Cashed AS, spade ruff, heart to K, spade ruff, heart led and Ian has to take Ace and I can claim as I can ruff 4th heart.
So 1900 on these two hands which could just as easily have been -100 on different leads.
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