Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Monday 20 October

Playing N/S with Adrianne came 2nd with a Butler score of 21.

Out of 13 pairs 9 played this in a small slam, 2 played 7NT (a dreadful contract at this scoring) and only two of us played in 7D.

Adrianne and I found the bidding straightforward
1S - 2D - 4D -

The grand looked certain to me now. Partner doesn't by-pass 3NT just because they've got good points.  No, this is good distribution. Just check for AQ of diamonds and bid 7D.

We are in 4H making when nearly everyone is off or in a poor 3N contract that had no chance.
David led a diamond, Katie won her Ace and switched to a heart won by the 8 in Dummy. I led my club and Katie again takes her Ace (a duck is interesting, but if my Q wins, then a club ruff and I see J10 from Katie, I should be able to guess singleton Ace left). Katie again exits with a heart to Dummy's King, David discarding a diamond.
I ruff a diamond and cash AH, David discards 7S. I now cash KQ clubs and exit a heart to Katie's Q, David lets go JD. I've lost three tricks and the situation is as shown.  David has had to cling on to that 9C and been squeezed.  Katie exits with a diamond (note how an unlikely spade beats me), I ruff, finesse QS and Dummy is high.

So we were scoring very well but lost a bad one near the end.
Raymond decided to open West 1D, I bid 1H and Charles bid 2H.  Raymond bid 3C, Charles 4N, Raymond 5D (0 or 3 -- in clubs?) Charles bid 6D.
I led KH, three round of diamonds and Raymond runs KC successfully. Can't stop 13 tricks now.
Nobody else near it, in fact others are in a part score.  Ruined our score.

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