Playing N/S with Adrianne came 2nd with a Butler score of 35.
We got a very lucky big swing against Cathy and Bob. Cathy opened East 2D, Bob bid 2H and I bid 4S. Adrianne with her three bullets couldn't resist 6S.
Cathy led QH which ran to my King, drew trumps, finessed 10H, cashed AH to discard club loser and claimed 12 tricks.
Thing was recently I was defending a 6D contract and had a similar holding of QJxxx in spades. So often you lead the Q and KTx goes down in Dummy and Declarer has the Ace. I led a trump. Of course Dummy was Kx and Adrianne had the Ace. Declarer managed to discard a spade and the slam made.
Swings and roundabouts.
Like Adrianne, most South's were in 4S on this deal. Like Adrianne, they all made it.
QD is a good start for the defence but let's say they just start with a trump. If AD is onside you are home but if not you have to play hearts for one loser. There are two ways for that to happen, KQ in East's hand or a doubleton honour. You probably have to do something now rather than come back to hand with a trump and try diamonds first (spade back, diamond to K and A, diamond to Q, JD forced to ruff and you can't afford to draw last trump to get into Dummy).
So I would probably have tried a heart to 10 at this point and fall back on doubleton honour in East's hand. I would have been down 1. Adrianne got a defensive error to make it, I can only assume everyone else likewise got a poor defence or tried J, K A of hearts and played West for doubleton Q.
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