Playing N/S with Gerry came first with a whopping 73% after a little help from our friends with that score. Still some good boards of our own making.
Our bidding unopposed went:
1S - 2D - 2H - 3N
Gerry paused for a while then produced 6S. This looks like a pure punt but it is quite reasonable. I have shown opening points and have 5 or 6 points in the red suits, so about 7 points in the blacks. True it might be AK of clubs but a) a lucky lie of the spades could still make slam or b) it is just as likely I have a spade honour and slam becomes an excellent prospect. The punt really comes from I might be singleton spade however if it is an honour, slam is still a real prospect so 6S certainly isn't a wild bid.
I could of course have made things easier by bidding 4th suit 3C rather than 3N, Gerry bids 3S and I could bid 4S making 6S easy to bid.
Alternatively over 3N I like bidding 5S with this hand, asking partner to bid 6S if he has useful trump support which in this context QT is maximum.
We got an easy top here and I don't really understand why. Gerry opened 1N, I transferred and the 2S went round to Steve who bid 3H. Gerry bid 3S and this was passed out.
Gerry received a heart lead, drew trumps and as only West gets in, Marilyn can never lead a club without conceding a trick. She exits with a heart. Gerry then conceded his two diamond losers again never receiving a club which would have been too late now anyway and having set up diamonds could discard two club losers and made 10 tricks.
Perfectly played of course but seems a reasonable outcome.
I didn't really know how to bid this hand but when in doubt, just go for slam.
Gerry opened 1C, I bid 1D and Gerry 1H. My only real option now is 1S 4th suit, Gerry would probably bid 1N and what would I do now (likewise over 2C)? Slam must be close, 5H is surely making. If I am going to ask in hearts, it must come now, so I bid 4N. Gerry replied 5S so 6H looks good, I bid 5N for a specific King (if KC I will think of bidding 6N or maybe even 7H). Gerry had no King so 6H it was.
JS lead, Gerry took the King and played A and another club. When Steve's King appears the hand is over, a spade ruff and a ruff of a club with the King gave Gerry 12 tricks (2 spades, 4 trumps, 2 ruffs, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs). Just make sure you ruff a club, don't cash Q until trumps are drawn!
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