Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Monday 5 May

Playing N/S with Adrianne came 5th with a Butler score of 14.  Should actually have been 3rd but I put in a 1NT made when it was 1 off,  Accuracy with that machine is part of the game now, just my own fault.

Adrianne got us off to a great start with a bit of over-bidding.

I opened 1C, East bid a spade and Adrianne 2H. Double or 1N would have been my choice but anyway I now have a 4H bid.
West led JS to Q, K and A.  AK of hearts then JD. East took AD and then both defenders made a simple mistake. East cashed QH and West discarded 3D (McKinney probably).
East now played 9S to Dummy's 10 and Adrianne finessed 10D. Now a club to King and diamond to K.
When Adrianne leads her last club, West takes Ace but only has clubs left (that diamond discard) and QC wins and Adrianne discards her spade loser.  Game made.

Great hand that I have, I just open 1C.  East overcalled 1H and Adrianne bid 2C.
I bid 2S and Adrianne bid 3C.  I thought about 3H now but partner can never show me anything, I just bid 5C.
Nothing in the play.  KH lead to my Ace, club to K and I finessed QS.  Cashed AC and I have 12 tricks just losing to KH.

Looking at my hand I should really have thought more about 6C more rather than just a passing thought. Sure Alistair has overcalled 1H on my left but he doesn't have to have both KD and KS. I'm expecting no club loser and even if both Kings are offside, Adrianne could have say Jxx in spades giving me extra chances of a diamond discard or even one of those Kings.  6C is always going to have a decent chance.

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