Thursday, 29 March 2012

Wednesday 28 March

Playing N/S with Gerry in the NIBU Sim Pairs scored just above average with 52.5%. They were a difficult set of hands but we had some misfortunes.

On this board against Gloria and Louise our bidding went (without interference):
1S - 3D* - 3NT - passed out.  3D being a raise to 3S.

With my 4333 I thought it sensible to show this on the way and sure enough Gerry with 4333 did the sensible thing and left it in 3NT.
After a heart lead, losing spade finesse I had the obvious 9 tricks exactly.  Unfortunately West can never find a club lead and is unlikely to switch to KC, so 4S can make by the only possible route of elimination and Ace and another club to get a ruff and discard. I prefer 3NT.

Complete bottom here against Nat and Paul.
Gerry opened 3C and I just punted 5C immediately. There will certainly be 11 tricks though if West holds QJ whatever in spades it could just as easily be down on the lead. However Nat bids 5H and it when comes round to me I double.
Gerry leads KC, ruffed, Nat gives me my diamond and a club is returned.  Nat now cross ruffs the minors ending in hand, pulls the missing trumps and leads Ace and another spade. Just like board 9 Gerry is now end played for a ruff and discard and so Nat makes.
Now you would think that a similar contract is played elsewhere and you would be right, however the other 5 pairs in 5H all went 1 off. Just our luck to be against someone who knows what they are doing!

Did manage to get this hand right, against Cathy and Joan who had just bid and made a slam missing a cashing Ace/King where Gerry has to find the lead from KJx.
With no interference our bidding went:
1D - 1S - 2C - 3S - 3NT - 4C - 4S
After the two minors by Gerry I didn't think NT was a good idea, but still he might be AQx in hearts with a singleton spade.  However I still thought 5C would be better as he is just as likely Axx in hearts. Luckily he has a doubleton spade.  Cathy and Joan still made it difficult for me, Joan leading 9D. To make this I need to set up diamonds early so I ignore possibility of singleon and play the Queen.  Cathy wins but unfortunately return a diamond. This sets up the whole suit but takes away my entry to dummy.  I draw trump and am stuck with what to discard on the 4th spade. I eventually came down to KT of clubs, lead a club to the ten and was home. Still, very lucky.

Got a poor score on this board, mainly because of the opening bid.  Against Victor and Willie, West opens 1C, round to Gerry who doubles.  I bid 2S and Gerry bids 3NT.  And why not. No need for 5 spades in my hand and expecting about 9 points where are they? Surely some in hearts.
Anyway Willie led a diamond and Gerry quickly cashed 9 tricks. Of cours other pairs have no problems finding 4S.
Why can't defenders find their 10 card fits?

Made a bad mistake here, not sure whose fault it is.  Against Ileen and Christine, Ileen opens 1D and the bidding goes:
1D  -  x  -  2D  -  2S
3C  - 3S - 4D - passed out.
We have our obvious 3 tricks and Ileen manages to ruff her clubs high for contarct made.  You do have to finesse a trump to make 4S, but even 1 down is better.
Only one N/S found 4S and made it, but at least the rest (bar one) managed a plus score.
Still not sure if even anyone is to blame?

FInally against Jim and Jim a simple enough hand, but couldn't possibly find our way to game.
Jim McMahon opens 1NT and playing Astro I bid 2D, Gerry bids 2H and I pass.
Gerry sets up spades to make 11 tricks.
Half the field played in 4H.  I don't think we can do any better with Astro.  Playing 2C for both majors would probably get 3H from Gerry and so we can be in game.  If West plays strong NT, 1D is opened, do you double or bid 1S as North? Experience tells me 1S is better but here it is likely to be passed out and only a take out double offers the chance of 4H.

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