Friday, 11 January 2013

Thursday 11 January

Playing with Gerry came second with 59%.  Had a few mixups / mistakes but got a few presents as well so can't complain.

 Against Alistair and Bob we had no interference and I opened West 1S, Gerry bid 3D which describes his hand perfectly, a solid raise to 3S.  Now at aggregate I would bid 4S, at MPs I decided not to. Ten tricks are straight forward, you should lose a spade a heart and a diamond and QC, AC, ruff a club will see you home.
Only one other person failed to bid it and though some might have been pushed up by opposition heart bidding, it was still a mistake by me not to bid it.  This isn't such a thin game.  I know Gerry has 4 spades, surely with an honour, 4S must be a good bet. Game isn't about points, its about 10 tricks and I failed to remember that.

We got a decent score against John and Ronald when most N/S are in 3C making.  Our bidding went:
1S -  x  - 2S  - x
3S -  passed out
I was given the chance of a top when  Ronald  led a small heart which I happily won with the Jack.  I ran 10D to John's Queen and he returned a club to the King, Ronald returned a club to John's Ace and he exited with a third club.
Things look very rosy now, I've lost three tricks and just have to negotiate spades for 1 loser.  I discarded a heart as I won the JC and led a spade.  John jumped up with Ace immediately which made me suspect he had AJx (with Axx might he not play low in case partner has Qx?).  Anyway John led a 4th club.  What do I play?  Am I being suckered into ruffing high?  I didn't know but went with my instincts, I discarded a diamond and Ronald's Jack won, 3S -1. Useless instincts.

A good score against Len and Avril as only two of us managed to bid slam.
After two passes I opened 1H and Avril bid 3D.  Gerry bid 3S, Len 4D.  Well, in theory, Gerry has 10 points, 5 spades and no wasted values in diamonds.  Of course he can push with less but I though I could afford 4N.  Avril bid 5D, Gerry 5S which was 2 with and so I bid 6S.
Len led a diamond and Avril continued, Gerry ruffing with the 5S.  He then cashed J and 10S before trying AK of hearts.  When the Queen fell, he ruffed a heart high, drew the last trump and had two discards for his clubs.

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