Nobody found the slam on this hand. Len opened South 1N, I bid 4H and Russell bid 4S. Gerry bid 5H and there I played.
Russell led 7S which I took in dummy. I have three trump entries so I played on clubs cashing AK, over to a heart, ruffed a club high and hey presto 13 tricks.
A diamond lead can only keep it to 12 which most North's found (presumably after a 1D opening), so a top for us.
Joyce opened a weak 2S as South and I doubled. Catherine raised to 3S passed round to me.
Easy just to pass but with four likely tricks I ventured a '2 way' second double and Gerry with no sensible bid left it in.
After AC and a discouraging 8 from partner I was tempted to try a small diamond but I cashed my four tricks and Gerry made his trump trick for 200 and another top.
Joyce made up for that on the next hand. The bidding went:
1C - P - 1H - 2D
3C - 3D - 3H - P
3S - P - 4S
I led KD, followed with 10D to Ace and Gerry exited with 9C to Joyce's Ace. Joyce finessed 10S to Gerry's Q, again Gerry has to exit with club to Q, K and ruff. Now AS, another spade to my K and Joyce was 1 off for a joint top with the pair who were 1 off in 3C.
Very nearly in a slam here and a bit unlucky for those who were.
Against Christine and Adrianne Gerry opens 1C and I bid 1H. Gerry rebids 4H and I get excited. 4N gets a disappointing 5C (1 or 4). Still I fancy my chances but bid 5D asking for the Queen. Gerry denies with 5H. I trust my partner and pass.
Christine leads an attacking spade and as dummy goes down I understand Gerry's denial of the QH with his 10 count, however I still fancy my chances.
I win AS, play AH, over to QH then try AK of clubs but Adrianne ruffs and cashes AD to keep me to 11 tricks.
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