Thursday, 17 January 2013

Wednesday 16 January

Playing N/S with Gerry we did not have a good game and scrambled 50% in the end.

Did not manage to find the best spot on this hand.  Against Sandra and Gloria I opened 1H, Gerry bid 2C and I rebid 2D.  Gerry bid 2S 4th suit and I bid 2NT which shows my limited hand.
Gerry now bid 3D, this is surely a slam try and I have told partner I don't have extras. I decided to bid 4D, Gerry 4N and finding me with one keycard he bid 5D.
This was not good news at Match Points.  I thought about bidding 6D anyway or even 5N but getting a negative score would be even worse, so I passed.
With hearts 3-3 and KD right sided, 13 tricks rolled in.
The real mistake I think is my 4D bid.  After Gerry's 3D I should bid 3N or 6D and I think 3N is probably right.

Gerry did get us a good score against Morag and Susan by playing this hand perfectly. After two passes Gerry opened 1D, Morag doubled and I bid 1N.  Round to Gerry who bid 2H and Morag bid 2S.  I passed as did Susan and Gerry bid 3D to end the bidding, though Susan should have bid 3S.
Anyway Morag has a lead problem but settled for JS which didn't cost as Gerry took the Ace and ran JH. Morag tried a high spade, ruffed, AH and now Gerry ruffed a heart with QD and followed with a diamond to Ace.
Now all he loses are a heart, diamond and club for 10 tricks.

After bidding a stupid slam on the previous board I got us to another dodgy one on the next board against Mary and Moira.
I need a very good 5 card major to open and rebid it, otherwise I have to open 1N with up to 14 points.  This heart suit was quite good, but I felt too good for 1N.  I decided to open 1H and over Gerry's 1S I bid 1N (15/16).
Gerry bid 3C and I bid 3H showing 2-5- probably 3-3.  Gerry went to 6N.  After their success in the previous hand when Moira led Ace against the stupid slam and found Mary with the King, Mary led AD.  However this time I couldn't go wrong with KS onside, but on the run of the clubs Moira let a heart go which made it even easier.

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