On hand 4 Adrianne (West) opened 1C, North bid 3S. Using the Bob Hamman maxim (if 3NT is a possible contract then bid it), I chose 3NT, Adrianne not unreasonably tried 6NT.

I received a spade lead which I ducked hoping there might be some sort of squeeze on South. Really I could only cash everything I could as an early diamond finesse might leave me 6 down vulnerable. However North came throwing spades, so eventually I do finesse a diamond, and a heart but lose a diamond for 1 down. Deep Finesse says you make 12, but I can only see that happening if you win the first spade, play QD to KD and Ace, come back to a club and lead a diamond forcing the 10 from South. Now concede a diamond to the Curse and take a heart finesse for 12 tricks. Not a play I will ever find. Few tried the slam -- though one made it by West – (spade lead gives it away?).
Hand 5 was my mistake at the 5 level. Recently with Harry I seem to keep getting the 5 level wrong by bidding on. Harry’s saying is – 'the 5 level belongs to the opponents'. So its his fault!
North opens 1H, I overcall 1S, South makes a system 2NT bid, partner bids 3S, North 4H, me 4S. South bids 5H which comes round to me and double. Oh oh, -850 instead of –300 for 5S doubled, South might even bid 6H for a plus score.
On board 9 I stupidly misplayed the hand:
In 4S, I received the KD lead and as you can see, all I have to do is pick up the spades for 10 tricks. So which spade do I lead from hand? The 4 of course. If I just play the 8S to the King, run the 7S then finesse again and cash Ace, I have 10 tricks. So lazy playing the 4S.
On board 16 it was the opponents who got the 5 level right.
Adrianne opened and the bidding went: 1D – 1S – 2H – 4S – 5H – 5S – x.
Now following Harry’s advice you should double with the North hand, but of course 5S was just right here. A lot of E/W were making 850 or even 990 for 4Hx, we just got 100.
Hand 19 was a really strange one.
Adrianne opened 2S and North came in with 3D. I just chose a simple 4S, but South bid 5D. When this comes round to me I just ignored Harry and bid 5S hoping there weren’t three losers off the top, North doubles this (listening to Harry?) and 12 tricks roll in. 1050 to us.
Can 6S be bid even without intervention? I suppose over 2S you could play 4H as a splinter and with this hand partner could cue 5D.
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