North is a bit stuck for a lead, could have led a trump, but chose 10H which goes to Jack, Queen and King. Adrianne plays KS to the Ace, a club from South to the Ace, club ruff, followed by a Diamond. Adrianne takes the Ace, clears the trumps ending in dummy and runs the 8H. Taking the rest of the heart tricks she can throw a diamond from dummy and claim 10 tricks. The only one to make 4S.
Board 17 was very interesting.

Now Deep Finesse says you only make 10 tricks (so you do on a club lead), but after the double I got a diamond lead. I won Ace, ruffed a diamond, finessed QH, ruffed a diamond, club to Ace and cashed AH. Now if my KC stands up I am home, just play a third club which South might as well ruff while the spade is discarded from dummy and the only other trick I lose is a diamond. No luck, the KC is ruffed and AS cashed.
However I immediately saw that I can make this on a diamond lead. Win the Ace and exit dummy with a small heart. The defence can take that trick in either hand and cash a spade, but that is all they can get as I can now pick up the trumps (using a diamond ruff as entry) and make all my clubs.
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