Only about 3 bidding errors to get us to an unbeatable slam played by North. Of course 6H by Adrianne goes off on a diamond lead.
We had a disaster on hand 12:

As happens we lose a defensive trick (partner signals for a spade rather than a club obviously and hoping she might have KJ, I led small to the King, Adrianne returns a heart hoping I can ruff, but declarer clears trumps and returns a spade to set up a club discard. Of course 4H can’t fail (2 spade discards on AD and the 4th club). Deep Finesse says it makes 9, but that needs West to underlead the AC so that East can get a ruff.
Hand 15 was interesting.
Adrianne opens 1S and I am stuck for the best reply, in these circumstances I usually go by the Losing Trick Count, so with 8 losers I bid 3S. The next hand comes in, not unreasonably 4H. This boosts Adrianne’s hand who now bids 4S (with 6 losers that what LTC says you do anyway). Making 4S vulnerable is our best score.
The next hand 16 is also interesting.
Our opponents do all the bidding which goes:
1D – 1H – 3D – 4C – 4H --- 300 points to us
The bids are not unreasonable up to the 4C, a punt of 3NT or a pass of 3D was called for, but I don’t like any of the bids either. I would prefer to bid the West hand as a strong NT. East should have bid 2C, the hand is better than 9 points.
Lesser hands with a long minor and a 4 card major should be bid 1 of the major. It is good to have an understanding with your partner though that in the sequence 1D – 1H – 1NT – 2C that you are not looking for preference, but want to play in clubs.
What is really interesting about the hand is, what if East bids 3NT? South leads a spade won in dummy and a club is played to the Jack. Exit with KC to Ace, spade to the Queen, exit with 10C to Queen, win spade in dummy, lead small heart to King and cash 9 tricks.
Now of course North should have counted these tricks and should rise with AH, cash the spade and lead a diamond to partner’s Ace. I was North, I wasn’t tested, but I am sure I would have been too dozy!
Finally I went off in 3NT on board 19:
Club lead, I continued 2nd club, diamond to Ace and cleared the clubs discarding a spade. East returns a spade to the 10 and King, West returns a spade to the Queen. Now I can make it double dummy at this point, but not unreasonably I exited with QD. East exits with a club. I try a heart to the Queen, no luck, West returns a heart to ensure I lose another for 1 down. Perfect defence.

The next hand 16 is also interesting.

1D – 1H – 3D – 4C – 4H --- 300 points to us
The bids are not unreasonable up to the 4C, a punt of 3NT or a pass of 3D was called for, but I don’t like any of the bids either. I would prefer to bid the West hand as a strong NT. East should have bid 2C, the hand is better than 9 points.
Lesser hands with a long minor and a 4 card major should be bid 1 of the major. It is good to have an understanding with your partner though that in the sequence 1D – 1H – 1NT – 2C that you are not looking for preference, but want to play in clubs.
What is really interesting about the hand is, what if East bids 3NT? South leads a spade won in dummy and a club is played to the Jack. Exit with KC to Ace, spade to the Queen, exit with 10C to Queen, win spade in dummy, lead small heart to King and cash 9 tricks.
Now of course North should have counted these tricks and should rise with AH, cash the spade and lead a diamond to partner’s Ace. I was North, I wasn’t tested, but I am sure I would have been too dozy!
Finally I went off in 3NT on board 19:

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