Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Monday 12 March

Came 3rd E/W with a Butler score of 36.

This was an interesting board we played against John and Jennifer Glen. When you are dealt this East hand you know the bidding will be lively.  I decided on opening 1D and unless my partner looks to have good values, rebid 5C.
So our bidding went:
1D  -  1S  -   P  -  3S
5C  -   x   -  5D -  P
 P   -   x
With just one sure defensive trick I think John is bidding his partner's values with the doubles. After AH trumped and 3 rounds of diamonds, I gave up KC and claimed 11 for 550.
About half the field are in 6C our way, a number of N/S got to play 4S (!?!), but we would always get a top score here because if N/S go to 5S I would double. Adrianne is almost certain to lead a heart now as we have these 'Lightner' understandings (if she leads TD I let it hold if not covered). So 5Sx would have been 2 off for 500.

A swingy board here against Bill & Liz. Adrianne opened 1S, Bill overcalls 2H, 2S from me.  Liz bids 4H and Adrianne completes the biddding with 4S.
After AH, heart ruffed Adrianne drew 3 rounds of trumps, Liz signalling for a diamond. AC therefore should be with North, but where is the Jack?
After some though Addrianne decides small club to the Queen and back to the Ten, unlucky.  We scored 0 on the board but some E/W made 4S and some N/S made 5H (you need a club lead or switch to beat that).
So the scores ranged from +12 to -14.

Against Izzy & Gerry our bidding went:
  P  -  1S  -  1N  -  2S
  P  - 3D  -   P   -  4D
and Gerry bid 4S.  Wish I just bid 3N right away, 1 off.
Anyway I led AC and Adrianne showed an odd number.  Now Gerry must have Kxx of diamonds for long suit trial bid, but does he have a 4th? Also he'll have the top hearts so probably a singleton club. How to get 4 tricks? I decided against Adrianne having a singleton diamond and decided to play her for 3 spades to the Jack and hope Gerry misplays.  So at trick 2 I played KC for a ruff and discard. Gerry played a heart to hand and led a small spade taken by my King.  Another club but no good, Gerry can ruff in hand and draw trumps. Knock out AD and claim 10 tricks.  Thankfully Adrianne had a doubleton diamond or I would have looked extremely silly.

Missed a game here against Elizabeth and Sheila. I opened 1NT and that was passsed out.  That is our system, I can't rebid spades and with no intermediates I am not rebidding a strong NT. With that diamond suit Adrianne could have stretched to a raise to 2NT, but it is a push.
14-16 NT probably go straight there. Others will go 1S - 2D - 2S - 2N - 3N.
Of course on an obvious club lead when est plays it, if AS is with South then 3N never makes.

A tricky one against Len & Cliff.  After 2 passes Adrianne opens 1H, Len bids 3D (strong(ish)). Cliff tries 3S, Adrianne bids 4H and Len bids 5D passed out.
I certainly can't see to double and neither can Adrianne
Losing 2 diamonds a club and a heart, Len went 2 down, a good save.
Actually Adrianne should open 4C as we play SA Texas, Len will still bid 4D, I'll bid 4H, what happens next is anyone's guess, but 5D undoubled is likely!

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