Friday, 9 March 2012

Thursday 8 March

Playing N/S in a small tournament came in the middle with 51%. Got off to  great start though against Sheila and Elizabeth.

We were all very competitive on board 1. Our bidding went

1H  -  2D  -  2H  -  3D
  x   -    P  -  3H  -   P
 P   -   4D -    P  -   P

My first double is a game try in hearts.  I still thought of bidding 4H rather than double, but Adrianne is looking at her (supposed) singleton or void diamond and has twice declined to bid 4H. Still I hoped I could garner 4 tricks in my own hand or Adrianne can contribute a club trick so doubled the final contract.
Adrianne led TH which immediately gave me a problem.  I decided I had better take the Ace as surely singleton King is most likely.  Bad start, I switched to the obvious KS taken by Ace. Sheila finesses a diamond, cashes KH and leads a club.  Adrianne goes up with Ace (not best, but I could have been doubleton KQ of spades then it is essential). Adrianne exits with a spade, ruffed.  With good clubs now Elizabeth just cashes AD and plays clubs.  I get my 2 diamonds to go with the heart and club for 1 off.  Both bidding two high and a good illustration that length of combined trumps is most important in these competitive auctions.

Adrianne was one of only two to bid 6S here due to our good understanding of our bidding. Playing Benji it went (without interference):

2C - 3D - 3S - 3N - 6S

We bid 2D 'relay' with quite good hands.  I would only jump to 3D with either a very good diamond suit (as well as other things) or very good controls.
Holding AK of diamonds Adrianne read this well.  I can just bid a simple 3N to say I'm no help in spades, but Adrianne doesn't need any and is fairly certain I'm AK and A in hearts and clubs. There's nothing in the play.

Defended well against Ian Swan and Robert Aitken on this board. Our bidding went:

P   -  P   -  1S  - P
P  -  1N -  2D - 2H
P  -   P   - 2S  -  P
P  -  3H -  passed out

Adrianne led TS to J and K.  I didn't want to give her a ruff as she probably has four hearts, the only way into her hand for a second spade is diamonds, so I tried 3D at trick 2, taken by Q (Adrianne gives her count). A club to King and Ace follows (I now have an exact count of the hand) and I played JD to the Ace.  Now a heart to Q and A. Now the gamble, I played a small diamond and Adrianne wins the Ten.  A spade follows and we end with 3 spades, a diamond, a club and 2 hearts for 3 off.

Still against Robert and Ian I got very lucky here. After pass, pass I opened 3S, West bid 4H and Adrianne judges really well deciding on 4S rather than defending.
Ace then King of hearts are cashed followed by JD. East looked at this for a while then rose with AD and switched to a club.  Thank you. AC, 4 rounds of spades and pick up QD for an undeserved top.

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