Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Monday 26 Maarch

Managed to come first N/S in our section with a small negative score when the hands were against us.

This was a difficult one to bid.  West opened 1D so I bid 2D, Adrianne bid 2H, I bid 3D and Adrianne bid 4H.
Surely we'll be safe at the 5 level now, should I bid 4NT?  I finally decided not, Adrianne could have cue bid and 5H isn't 100% certain.
Anyway QD lead taken by Ace and obviously from the bidding Adrianne knows where AS and KC are.  In fact she sets about the ruffing finesse in clubs first.  However there's no avoiding a trump and spade loser.
That would have been unlucky if I had bid on and ended in 6H.  Across the field, one person was in 6H, but two people were in 6S, not a great contract.

Not a big hand, but out of 16 tables Adrianne was the only person to make 1NT (a few N/S got to defend 2S which had no chance).
Adrianne received 7S lead and the KC was returned which Adrianne took. AD, JD ducked, followed by 2 clubs and 2 hearts for the defence, leaving Adrianne with 7 tricks.

A few N/S weren't in 1NT, but that is strange bidding.  Playing a strong NT you open 1H, West might or might not bid 1S, North can now bid 1NT or double or pass.  If the latter two, South rebids 1NT, unless East has in which case pass.

This was a great score for us because of Adrianne's lead.  In our section everyone led a club against 3NT.  It was a bit more mixed in the other section but only one heart lead.  Adrianne had no problem leading 5H and we cashed the first 5 tricks. I should have mentioned East bid spades!
However even after 1NT and eventually 3NT a club lead isn't that attractive, a major lead often works out better and struck gold here.

Not so lucky here but this was one of those strange hands that you just cannot make.
Only 3 pairs bid game and one actually made it on a 7S lead, though I still don't see how.
Still with a combined 26 count, with 5 quick tricks in the South hand, 13 pairs can't find game.  Lucky them.
Against us East opened 1D, Adrianne doubled and over my 1H bid 1NT which I raised to 3N.
A diamond was duly led, Adrianne took the third round and managed to set up a long heart by giving up 2 for 1 off.
Can't do any better.

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