Playing N/S with Len we managed to come first our way with 58%
Got off to a good start against Alan & Myra. On the third board I opened 1NT 3rd in hand and this was passed out. Alan led a heart to the Jack and King. I immediately played JD taken by the Ace. Myra returned a small spade on which I played small and it was won by Alan's King. Alan returned a spade to Ten and Jack. I now finessed 9H and led a club to Ten and King. Alan can only make another club now to give me 9 tricks and a top.
Commiserations to those who open 1NT on the North hand, QC lead and heart switch after 5 club tricks will guarantee 2 down. Against Colin & Helen I open 1S and soon end up in 4S.
Colin leads QC, now it is clear I can make this contract if I can set up diamonds before AH is knocked out. If I cover QC, after AC and back to the Jack, Colin will never play a diamond if he has the King. He might play a trump or even a third club, but could easily find a heart. If I don't cover the QC, now Helen wins the 2nd club, if she has KH I don't think she will ever play a heart, hopefully she doesn't have KQ. Anyway, I duck the club, Helen wins the second club and in fact plays a diamond. So now my diamonds are set up for heart discard. Two defenders defeated 4S so well done for finding the heart.
Against Bobby and Ian I opened my hand 2NT counting my heart suit as worth another point.
Len tries 5 card Stayman so we can find 4H or if I have 5 spaddes, bid a more confiddent 3NT. However my 3D disappoints and Len decides on 5D.
I got a trump lead, drew the second trump and obviously finessed the heart. Bobby won the King and returneed a club which I took with the Ace. I then cashed out the hearts, throwing QS from dummy, crossed with a spadde ruff and finessed JC for 12 tricks and a poor score. Many in 3NT. On a spade lead you can cash 10 tricks to beat 5D. On eis in 4H which is a good contract. One is in 6NT and has the cheek to make it. They got a small spadde lead. How they reckoned a club finesse (which needs 3 -3 clubs to give 12 tricks) is better than heart finesse which is a simple 50-50, only they will know.
On the next board Bobby opened 1S as West and I doubled. Ian bid 3S and Len doubled round to me. We have no agreement and mostly doubles are just 'values'. OK he will have 4 spades, but can I offer defence here? My hand says bid diamonds, so 4D it was. Len actually meant it as penalty.
Ian lead a spade to J, K and ruff. heart ruffs are unlikely, so I crossed to AD and finessed JH to the Queen. Ian has a difficcult play now. Are my hearts KJ, if so he needn't return a diamond now. Anyway a dimaond must help me, so he plays another spade to reduce my trumps. I ruff, cash AH and heart ruff, go over to AC and ruff another spade, so my losing heart actually gets ruffed. I lost a heart, 2 clubs and a diamond for 1 off. Not nearly as good as the 300 we would have got if I had passed.
Felt sorry for Mary & Moura on this hand. Mary opens 1NT, Len doubles and it is left in. I worried about passing red against green, difficcult to get 800 when you are making 600, but there is nothing sensible for me to do. ANyway, little did I know.
Len led TH, ducked, small heart to J then AH. I now played TS to K and A. Len cashed 4th heart and returned JS, I cashed out the spades and everyone has 4 cards left. Len his 3 diamonds and singleton AC, Mary AQ diamonds and K10 clubs. I played JD to Q and K, Len returns diamond to Ace and Mary has to then play a club to give Len last two tricks. 6 down for 1400. Next time Mary bid 2D!
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