I did get a good score here. Robert opened 1C and I overcalled 1S. Jack passed and Adrianne bid 2S so I punted 4S.
Robert led 6D so looks a straightforward one off. However I won AD and cashed two top trumps ending in Dummy. Now I led 3H, what should Robert do? Play low and you have AJ over the queen rather than hitting air with your Ace. So low it was, my King won and voila only three losers, a diamond and two clubs as the rest get ruffed.
You don't like pausing when a card is led is led from Dummy, especially as you are giving away the position as well as possibly preventing partner leading that suit when they get in. However sometimes you have to and Robert should pause here. The first trick went 6, 5, 10, Ace. Jack has led from Qxx or Qxxxx(x). Most likely the latter and why has a club not been led? Because he has the Ace? Now if Qxxxx, then Declarer has four diamonds, looks like six spades, so only two - one in hearts and clubs. You need to go up with the Ace.
Adrianne opened 1H, I bid 1S and Adrianne bid 2N. Nearly pulled out an 'automatic' 3S giving choice of game but paused, why would 4S be better? Ten tricks harder than nine, Adrianne probably has five hearts, not getting a heart lead anyway. So I just bid 3N.
6C lead from Edna which went to 10 and Q. Surely Edna has AK of clubs, so Adrianne played a diamond to K and Ace. Isobel avoids giving away a tenth trick in clubs by returning JD and Adrianne just cashes her nine.
Most played in 4S and all went down losing the diamond ruff.
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