Playing N/S with Adrianne managed to come last with 43%.
E/W had most of the interesting boards, here are two slam hands against Michele and Joan.
This one they got wrong and we got one of our few tops.
Michele opened 1D, Joan 2C, Michele 2S and Joan a 4th suit bid of 2H. Michele now bid 4D, Joan went to RKC and found two. Joan bid 6C and it easily makes 13.
Michele has a difficult decision at each stage but the reverse is surely correct with a strong hand and four good spades, then should you bid 3N or show 7 good diamonds over the 3H? That isn't so easy, but you can't argue with 4D. Joan then has a problem with the reply to 4N, did it include the KD? Obviously unsure Joan bid 6C.
Now I would prefer to think it out after 1D - 2C - 2S. At this stage I trust my partner to have about 17 points, where are they? KQJ of diamonds, AK spades, it then comes down to has she 3 Jacks or QH and 2 Jacks or the AH? A simple 4N will get that and 7NT looks good especially if you just check with 5N for Kings..
Unfortunately they got their act together on the next board.
Their bidding went
1S - 2D - 2H - 4S - 4N - 5H - 6S
Adrianne led QC to Michele's King, QS ducked, spae to Ace and a third spade to my King, Adrianne asking for a heart. I did my duty but Michele can count her 12 tricks and goes up with the Ace, draws last trump and AQ and another diamond puts in her dummy for three heart discards.
Michele's 18 count with her partner showing a delayed game raise obviously makes slam likely. However it is Joan's diamond bid that should make everyone go for 6S however only Michele and Joan and Ian and Cathy managed it.
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