Playing N/S with Adrianne came second with A Butler score of 24. Not a lot in the hands, two that were of interest to me would have got great Match Points scores but didn't mean much in Imps.
I opened 1S and Mary overcalled 2H. Adrianne bid 2S, Moira thought a bit and passed. I decided my hand was quite strong now and worth a trial bid though I chose 3D. Adrianne promptly bid 3S and there I played.
Mary led AH and continued small to Moira's King which I ruffed. I led a spade to Mary's Ace and another small heart came, ruffed by 9 and King. I played a spade to the Q and then a diamond to 10 and Q. Mary led QH. Now on the bidding and play, Moira is going to see her diamonds as more relevant than her clubs, she let a small club go. I ruffed, AK of clubs and a club ruff, diamond to the Ace and my 4th club is good for a diamond discard. I lost a heart, a spade and a diamond.
David opened East 1H and Adrianne bid a Michael's 2H, Katie passed and I bid 3S passed out.
David is stuck for a lead and made the only logical choice of a trump. The trump lead dispels any ideas I might have of club ruffs as winning KS, cashing AC, I have no entry to Dummy and the opponents get in and lead another trump. I am compelled therefore to play on diamonds.
So, I lead 7D and seeing a singleton, what can Katie do but go up with the Ace? David's Jack falls. Katie plays a heart to Q and Ace, David returns J to my King. I lead a diamond and as expected the King appears, ruff, spade back to King, ruff a diamond, cash QS to clear all the trumps. Now club to Ace and enjoy all my remaining diamonds. Should have lost a heart at the end, but David hung onto KC, 11 tricks.
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