A very narrow 9-7 victory. Gerry & I played E/W against Michele Alexander and Bobby Moore.
Every E/W managed to play this in hearts against a 5-0 break and although one pair are in 6H, the other three all made game.
Bobby had come in with a club overcall so Michele led TC which I won in Dummy and led a heart to the King. So, two trump losers, I have to avoid 2 diamond losers. Give Bobby 13 cards and he'll overcall, so I have no real indication where the KD is. What to do? I decided that was a doubleton club and I should strip Michele of her exit card. So KC, 9H, but Michele ducked. I played a heart to J and Ace and realised I haven't played this correctly. I'm fine if Michele has KD, but if she gets in and removes my last trumps, plays a diamond which I run and Bobby has the King, he'll have clubs to cash. I left myself with no option but to play a diamond from Dummy and got away with it when Bobby had the King.
This was costly for our team. Michele passed and Gerry opened 1D, Bobby bid 2D (majors) and I doubled (we don't have an agreement on that). Michele bid 2H and Gerry 3D, I launched into 4N and received a 5H (2 Keycards) reply. Now I don't trust Bobby to have AH for his bid so decided to protect my KH and bid 6N.
Michele was astute enough to know that I have KH and led QC, but there are 12 tricks on top.
Unfortunately at our other E/W table they wrong sided the contract and went down on a heart lead.
We have a solid 5D on this board but just didn't get into the bidding.
Michele opened South 4S, what can Gerry do? Well he did the only sensible thing and passed. Bobby thought for a while and passed, I have an automatic pass.
We got our five tricks for two off. Even over a 3S opener from South it is difficult to see how Gerry can say anything sensible, then when West passes, North will always bid 4S to keep me out from protecting.
Issy and Gerry managed to find 5D for their team.
This was a big hand, only one pair played in hearts, unfortunately for our team it was at the 6 level. Two pairs played it in 4S, crucially by South. At our table Bobby opened 4H, Michele bid 4N and passed the 5S response. SO Bobby as North was declarer in 5S.
I led AC, Gerry played the 8 and Bobby the 3. I wasn't sure about the club layout but suspected Bobby had the 2 (e.g. if Gerry had H82 he would play the 2). Anyway I didn't give that much thought, it was the singleton JH on the table. As long as that was there there was possible access to many tricks in Declarer's hand. I switched to the 8H and Declarer's hand was dead. Bobby won the Jack, led a spade to the 10 and tried to cash another heart but I ruffed. He had to lose a second club and two diamonds for two off.
Too difficult for West to find that defence at the two tables defending 4S by South, but perhaps East should overtake KC and switch to the heart.
Bullied out a game here. After two passes I opened 1D, Michele bid 1S and Gerry passed. Bobby bid 3S and although well aware this can be very weak (doesn't even have a 4th spade!), I am worried about coming in. The obvious bid is double but Gerry possibly 3424 or even 3433 is likely to bid 4H. I could just be turning 100 points into -100, I can't really expect to make 5 of a minor and 4H doesn't look good when Gerry couldn't negative double. So I chickened out and passed. We got 50 (double dummy could have got better), but 5C is on. Luckily nobody else found it.
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