Playing with Michelle Alexander and partnering her husband Mike who played with Raymond we ended up run away winners with a score of 168 from ten 3 board matches. Five 20-0 a 19-1 a 14, two 12s and an 11. I've never had a score remotely like it. Michelle and I had a very good game and got all our hands correct while our opponents made a number of mistakes. Mike and Raymond then came back with a fantastic score card.
One of our 20-0 was against David Weir's team. we played against John DiMambro and Ronald Gaffin. These two hands illustrate how everything just went right on the night.
As North I opened 1H, Michelle raised to 2H, I tried with 2S and Michelle more or less max bid 4H.
Ronald makes the safe lead of a heart, I drew trump where John showed some interest in clubs and ending in dummy I ran JS to the King. Ronald went for Ace and another club now. Winning KC I played Ace and another diamond, Ronald took the King but with the QS onside I now had 10 tricks. Extremely lucky that all the cards lay so well. 2H made 10 at the other table.
Even luckier on the next board. John opened 1D and I overcalled 1S. Ronald bid 2C and Michelle raised the ante with 3S. John doubled and I figured we have no spade tricks in defence, maybe AQ hearts are lying well, but they might be making lots of minor tricks as I can't expect much from Michelle. Anyway I though I'll bid 4S to give Ronald a guess about which minor to bid or whether it makes. Ronald doubled and defence started with two diamonds, I ruffed the second and led KS to Ace. Another diamond ruffed, crossed to QS finessed QH, AH, give up a club and cross ruff my way to 10 tricks. Very unexpected, not least by me! 4D by our partners made 10 at the other table.
Another of our typical good fortune here against Irene and Phyllis. At the other table Sylvia and Louise are in 3NT by North. Raymond led a heart and our partners took the first 7 tricks for 150.
Michelle opened 1S, I bid 1N, Michelle 2N, 3S by me and 4S by Michelle.
Phyllis led 10C which Michelle ran to her Ace. A small spade went to Q and Ace. Irene reurned a club, the lead could have been from KT9 or a singleton but that was the last chance to put a heart through. Michelle actually won the King, led another spade to Phyllis' King. A diamond back, draw last trump, run diamonds discarding a heart and 10 tricks.
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