Playing N/S with Gerry came 1st with 60%. Didn't have a great start especially when I put Gerry into an unmakeable slam.
Having scored a zero against Colin and Helen with a poor defence we got back with this board. Helen opened 1C, I passed and Colin bid 1S. Gerry came in 1N, this is take out for the other two suits, not good enough for a double, more distributional. Helen bid 2S, I bid 3H and it was passed out.
Spade lead to Ace followed by spade to King. I played club to K and A. Helen tried Ace and another diamond (I'll get the suit right anyway as Helen needs the Ace for her opener). That was me with 10 tricks after a spade ruff.
We had a good set against Paul and Bob. Paul opened 1D, Gerry doubled, Bob passed and I bid 2C round to Gerry who bid 3NT. Bob led 9S and Gerry immediately led QC. Paul took this and attacked dummy's heart entry. However Gerry cheaply won 8H and when the next club was ducked simply played on diamonds for 10 tricks.
On the next board Paul opened a strong NT and through Puppet Stayman Bob raised him to 3N.
Gerry found the great lead of 7C, small from dummy and I carelessly put on the 8 for count (I read the lead as 97x). Surprised to hold the trick I switched to a spade. Paul won, knocked out AD, I tried another spade which went to Gerry's Queen, club back and Paul has his 9 tricks exactly.
Most South's led a spade won by the Jack in dummy. Our score was a top. We would have got our 4 tricks a lot quicker if I had just followed with the 6C at trick one.
An interesting hand against Victor and Elizabeth. We were pushed into 4S when Elizabeth twice used a takeout double and I could show a good hand with spades and diamonds and allowing Gerry to show some support.
Victor led a heart to 9, Q and A. I played KS to Ace. Elizabeth cashed KH then KC then tried QC which I ruffed high. I played high spade to the Queen, cashed JH to throw a diamond. I now ruffed a club to fell the Ace and crossed with a small spade to the 7. Cashed JC throwing a second diamond and finessed QD for 10 tricks.
Of course all the time Elizabeth had doubleton KD and a simple finesse would have given me 10 tricks by ruffing my 4th diamond, but I didn't know that until the end!
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