Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Monday 13 August

Playing N/S with Adrianne just got above average with a Butler score of 2. Didn't do well on part scores, mainly because we bid unmakeable games!

We did get off to a good start against Ian and Ivor
Adrianne opened 1H and I bid 1S, Adrianne raised to 4S. I have a 7 loser hand so thought I could at least make a slam try and we would hopefully be safe at the 5 level.  So I cue bid 5D and Adrianne was happy to bid 6S.
It looks as if the contract depends on a diamond finesse but I got the natural KC lead.  I took the Ace, cashed AH, ruffed a heart high, trump to Ace, ruffed a heart high, trump to King, ruffed a heart and exited with JC.  East is now end played to lead a diamond or give a ruff and diamond discard.

Defence is of course difficult, it is so easy to let contracts make.  Moira and Mary bid this 1C - 1H - 2D - 3D - 3S - 4D - 5D.  I led AH, ruffed.  Now if I had been declarer I would have cashed AQ diamonds then led AC.  South would have ruffed and a spade switch (or a heart) would knock out my 2nd entry ensuring clubs can't be set up.
Moira though played KS at trick 2.  I took the Ace, now which card can I play to let this contract make? Yes, I led QC and Adrianne ruffed.  A heart back could still have beaten this, but Adrianne returned a spade. Now two rounds of diamonds, AK of clubs, ruff a club and a heart ruff back to make all the clubs. Nobody else managed to make game, well done Moira, or badly done me.

Interesting board at the end against Winnie and Katie. I opened 1D.  Difficult to know what to bid with the South hand, a lot to be said for 5D, but Adrianne chose 1H.  Katie bid a spade and I bid 3C.  Winnie bid 3S and Adrianne now bid 5D. I'm not sure where all this bidding is coming from but I am trusting my partner and was going to bid 6D when Katie came in with a double.  So I redoubled.

Nothing in the play.  Winnie led JS to my Queen.  I took 2 rounds of trumps, exited with a heart, won the spade return and can claim the rest on a cross ruff.

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