Not so good a score on this board against Ronald and John. Ronald opened 1H which came round to me. I want to double but can't bear hearing 2D from partner so I bid 1NT. Gerry bid 2NT which I alerted and bid 3D. Gerry bid 3NT. (we have now agreed that normal system is on here!) Anyway I would bid 3NT if he raised via Stayman. However no chance, I won 3rd heart, led the club, Ronald took the Ace and 2 down. If I do double Gerry's best bid looks to be 2H, then I bid 2NT and same result. Difficult to find 5C.
Got back with this board though. I opened 1C, Ronald 1H and Gerry 3C. John bid 3H which I fancied defending but Gerry is just as likely to have 5 clubs to the Ace and nothing else and finding a 5th trick might be difficult. I bid 4C.
Ronald led KH, I took straight away, cashed AK of diamonds led a club to 10 and Q, ruffed a diamond. Now everything looks great. JC to King and Ace, 9C, take my 2 diamonds and 10 tricks.
So Gerry opens 1NT, I see a minor suit slam looming so I bid 2Da, Gerry 2H, I bid 2S (not a!). Gerry bids 3H I bid 3N and hope he doesn't bid 4H and yes he passes. On the 5S lead he made 12 tricks for an average. Missed the laydown 6C/D and 13 as long as you play AK of diamonds first. Unfortunately this convention probably won't come up again for 2 years! Playing with Adrianne our bidding would go 1N - 3C - 4C - 6C
On the next board Raymond opened 1D. I am too strong for our Michaels so bid 1H, Alec bid 3D, round to Raymond who bid 3N. I have 3 options. Quiet pass hoping for 1 down, double hoping even more for 1 down. Or bid 4C hoping we have a sacrifice. I thought we could defeat but opted for the quiet route of pass. KC lead, odd number from partner, AC, good not singleton and 1 down it was.
We make 4H, 4C was the correct option. Though would Raymond double or bid 5D which is of course 1 off?
Against Bill and Rod we had a tricky sequence.
P - P - 1H - 2S
x - P - 2N - 3D
x - 3S - 4C - passed out.
Gerry won the QS lead in dummy and led a club to 8 and King. Winning the spade return Gerry read the hand perfectly, diamond to Ace, run JH, run 10H, diamond ruff, AH, heart ruff, diamond ruffed by 9 and Ace, heart ruff to get 10 tricks.
Against John and Willie, John opened 2S, Gerry doubled. I nearly bid 3C, but opted for conservatism and bid a Lebensohl 2N. Gerry forgot and bid 3N. However with 20 points his bid would be 3S and I would bid 3N anyway.
This contract has of course no chance on any spade lead, but John led 2D. I was cheeky enough to finesse, Ace and another club. Now fingers crossed Willie doesn't have QS, 8S came through, taken by QS. John returns a small spade, 11 tricks. In the Women's half were in 3N all going down on the spade lead, half were in the sensible 5C. In the Men's 6 are in 3N, 3 make, 3 go 2 down on the spade lead. Russell and Len are the only ones who play in 5C. If I had bid 3C we might well have ended in 6C.
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